Storytelling in Primary Schools

The Children of Sheherazade is the first European scientific research project for storytelling as a long term school project with the main focus on social-emotional competencies and the development of imagination in primary schools.
Find out about the research and evaluation study (2021–2024) with partners in 4 countries and pupils from over 20 countries of origin.

Pictures: GGS Düppelstraße, Germany; Øster Åby Friskole, Denmark; ELIX, Greece 


What can Storytelling contribute?

The Project – Background and Aims

The three-year Erasmus+ project “The Children of Sheherazade” researches the development of competencies in the social-emotional area and imagination in primary schools in Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Greece, primarily in disadvantaged areas. In the classroom, storytellers use their stories to stimulate imagination and shared values and motivate intercultural understanding …

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Partners in four Countries

Schools, Storytellers and Institutes combine Forces

The European partner countries were chosen first by looking at the geographical layout of Europe, in order to find a diverse set of partners. These are the project partners …

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Research Question and Instruments

How can “new students” coming from various countries, as well as the local students, learn to respect and accept different views, consider nature, human conditions and broaden their view of the world and themselves? This project with it’s tools can show if an ongoing art project – storytelling – will help to fulfill those needs …

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Test Results, Summaries, Booklets

The Children of Sheherazade is the first European scientific research project for storytelling as a long term school project with the main focus on social-emotional competencies and the development of imagination.
Here you find the test results and you can read what pupils, teachers and storytellers say about the project …

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